Title: Five Daily Rules to Live By Each Day
Director: Brooke Routh
No one wants to be forgotten. We have monuments, memorials, and even holidays so people do not forget certain people or events that have happened over time. In movies, the credits at the end of the movie give credit to those individuals who have put in time and dedication towards the making of a movie. They want to be recognized for what they have done. Now, we may not have a monument or movie, but each of us do not want to be forgotten. We all in some form or fashion want to make an impact. Each of us have a movie of our lives. At the end of movies are credits. Who would be in your credits? Family? Friends? God? Or do you lack any of these credits? Would you be ashamed or accept these credits at the end of your movie?
Recently, my friends have been affected by two young lives taken from this world. This inspired me to write a blog about what most people blog about...life. Death is something that is inevitable just as rain, sunshine, and taxes are. Time is another element of life that is inevitable. My first year of college flew by so quickly. The last day felt like the first and the rest was a blur. I've met amazing people that I've felt like I've known all my life. Time has a funny way of seeming to go by faster as we get older. When we are younger we couldn't wait until we were older. We all wanted to drive that new car, go on that awesome prom date, or even date that boy that made you feel like that you could never love again. Even though time seems to speed up and make us think that there is no way that 60 seconds are in a minute. Time has not changed. And as time "speeds" up, we forget who we are and what really is important in our lives. Sometimes we lose that chance to let others know who we really are or simply that we love them. Although I am not afraid of death because I know there is freedom through death, I decided to make a list of five goals I believe everyone should have ever day. These goals reflect how I would want people to remember me. I would want them to know that only God can judge me and my actions as a Christian, but I believe that Christ died on that cross for me and through His grace I am given an eternal home in Heaven with Him because of His self-less act. That was Christ's purpose...to give us freedom from our sins. We all have a purpose in life. I can't change the world as earth shattering as that would be. I can impact one person, who will then impact another and soon many others.There are 5 daily rules I want to live by because at the end of my movie I want the credits to roll on and inspire others.
1. Smile
You never know who's day it may make. As a nurse, doctor, or whatever I decide to do when I grow up, I want to make some one's day by doing a simple act. A smile ensures trust.
2. Pray
Good or bad times...always pray.
3. Inspire
I always try to stay positive and keep every one's heads up even when I feel like I can't lift my head up anymore. Encouragement and making others believe in themselves is a rewarding gift. Make others want to better themselves each day.
4. Always say I love you and Never say Good-bye
Love is the strongest emotion humans can show and even when someone is not with us it still exists. Something that strong should be said everyday as a reminder to those around us. Good-bye means forever as if you will never see that person again, so if you know me very well I always say see you later. See you later means there will be another time.
5. Do not just exist each day...live. Live for God
You never know when it will be your last day to roll your credits.
The End
Director: Brooke Routh
No one wants to be forgotten. We have monuments, memorials, and even holidays so people do not forget certain people or events that have happened over time. In movies, the credits at the end of the movie give credit to those individuals who have put in time and dedication towards the making of a movie. They want to be recognized for what they have done. Now, we may not have a monument or movie, but each of us do not want to be forgotten. We all in some form or fashion want to make an impact. Each of us have a movie of our lives. At the end of movies are credits. Who would be in your credits? Family? Friends? God? Or do you lack any of these credits? Would you be ashamed or accept these credits at the end of your movie?
Recently, my friends have been affected by two young lives taken from this world. This inspired me to write a blog about what most people blog about...life. Death is something that is inevitable just as rain, sunshine, and taxes are. Time is another element of life that is inevitable. My first year of college flew by so quickly. The last day felt like the first and the rest was a blur. I've met amazing people that I've felt like I've known all my life. Time has a funny way of seeming to go by faster as we get older. When we are younger we couldn't wait until we were older. We all wanted to drive that new car, go on that awesome prom date, or even date that boy that made you feel like that you could never love again. Even though time seems to speed up and make us think that there is no way that 60 seconds are in a minute. Time has not changed. And as time "speeds" up, we forget who we are and what really is important in our lives. Sometimes we lose that chance to let others know who we really are or simply that we love them. Although I am not afraid of death because I know there is freedom through death, I decided to make a list of five goals I believe everyone should have ever day. These goals reflect how I would want people to remember me. I would want them to know that only God can judge me and my actions as a Christian, but I believe that Christ died on that cross for me and through His grace I am given an eternal home in Heaven with Him because of His self-less act. That was Christ's purpose...to give us freedom from our sins. We all have a purpose in life. I can't change the world as earth shattering as that would be. I can impact one person, who will then impact another and soon many others.There are 5 daily rules I want to live by because at the end of my movie I want the credits to roll on and inspire others.
1. Smile
You never know who's day it may make. As a nurse, doctor, or whatever I decide to do when I grow up, I want to make some one's day by doing a simple act. A smile ensures trust.
2. Pray
Good or bad times...always pray.
3. Inspire
I always try to stay positive and keep every one's heads up even when I feel like I can't lift my head up anymore. Encouragement and making others believe in themselves is a rewarding gift. Make others want to better themselves each day.
4. Always say I love you and Never say Good-bye
Love is the strongest emotion humans can show and even when someone is not with us it still exists. Something that strong should be said everyday as a reminder to those around us. Good-bye means forever as if you will never see that person again, so if you know me very well I always say see you later. See you later means there will be another time.
5. Do not just exist each day...live. Live for God
You never know when it will be your last day to roll your credits.
The End
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