In life we all eliminate things, people, or memories. I have tried to eliminate people who have hurt me from my life. I've tried eliminating things I haven't needed over the year from toys to uniforms. I've tried to eliminate memories that I wish had never happened. Whatever the reason I wanted to get rid of my things, I know that they were just passing another phase of my life to be replaced by something else in the next stage. Whatever the reason I wanted to forget the bad memories, I know that they were just lessons learned, and I should never forget the lesson left behind.Whatever the reason someone may have hurt me, I learned in the long run that forgiveness is the key to true elimination.
With that being said, have you ever wondered what true forgiveness really is? Is it the words, "I'm sorry." Is it doing something in return for that wrongful deed? Today, in nursing class we did an activity that involved eliminating things or people close to you due to a serious illness that has overtaken your body. You start off with a list of four people close to you. One short-term goal you have in life. Two things you enjoy doing. One long-term goal in life. Two personal things you possess you treasure.
My list:
1. Dad
2. Mammaw
3. Kourtney
4. Kami
5. Nurse Practitioner
6. Playing the piano
7. Dancing
8. Cure to Diabetes
9. Faith
10. Kaiden (puppy)
As I started to eliminate things one by one, it made me realize how easily things can be taken away from you in a heartbeat. Sometimes life is out of control. Sometimes we feel like we are a hamster in a wheel spinning our wheels and headed nowhere. Sometimes we feel like giving up and eliminating everything. Sometimes the things on our list I realized are the only things keeping us alive. When uncertainty in life comes upon us, I realized that crossing the items off one by one by what I consider important. To most of you, one would assume that your father or mother would be the only one not eliminated from the list, but unlike the rest of my class I chose my faith. Christ said, "Pick up your cross and follow me. Leave behind all your possessions, your father, your mother." In the end, when life has you spinning your wheels, faith is all you have left. I love all of these things on my list more than words can express, yet without my faith I am an empty soul living life for what purpose? I pray that the last thing on your list would be your faith in God above all things.
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