"Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle."-Lewis Carroll.
The other day I became frustrated and well to put it simply...puzzled. Hence, why I named this blog "Puzzle." Each day we face puzzles of life. We have to decide where the put our puzzle pieces, why we put them there, and how we are going to get there to put it all together. I personally never did like puzzles. What is the point of a putting tiny pieces together to make a picture that you already knew what the big picture was going to look like? It just gets put back into a box in the end to either be put back together or sit on a shelf with dust.
With anything in life, we have events that change the way we think about life. When I was at the nursing home, a lady daily worked on a puzzle. One day, she realized the last piece was missing. She assumed someone had lost it while trying to work on it for her. She looked everywhere for that ONE piece. I was even on my hands in knees searching for something as small as a microbe. Finally, she gave up searching. She was a little upset about it, but then turned to me and said, "That's life." At first, I did not know how to take this. Did she mean we all fail or lose at something or did she mean she accepted the puzzle piece was missing, and even though it upset her you move on. To me, the lady accepted the piece was missing. She seemed content the rest of the day and put the puzzle back in its box without the piece still. Even though, a piece was missing, to her it was complete. I believe many people look at life as if all of the pieces should fall into place easily. Not everything is that easy...some things in life you feel are "missing" are just your perspective on life.
For me, I feel certain pieces are missing and will always be that way. Sometimes I get frustrated and wonder what if, what if, what if. But then I have to take a step back and think in a different perspective and think about all the pieces of my life God has blessed me with. He never promised it would be easy, but He said He would always be there for us and never give us any temptation we cannot endure. This encourages me, because I look at my puzzle, or life, sometimes and think something is missing. When in reality, I need to think they are missing ,but that is what makes me who I am. Whether we realize it or not, everything falls into place. This may seem naive, but I would rather accept things than deny them. I plan to not fill in the pieces of my puzzle, and ask, "Who in the world am I?" I would rather look at my puzzle and say, "That's life. My life."
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