"White walls. white paper. white books. white people."
This was a note that a young man named "Big Mike" wrote in the movie "The Blind Side." Michael could barely write, and his teachers thought he was not intelligent. They thought he did not comprehend the work they had given him, not that he was lazy. He was singled out in an all white private Christian school which is why he wrote the note. He felt helpless and alone. Whatever color your skin is, everyone has felt this emotion at some point and time. At the end of the movie, Michael had to write an essay. He could barely write, but he improved through listening, because those who are in poverty learn the best by listening since most can not read and write. His essay was about courage and hope, and not being blind to events in life.
He told his new legal guardian, or mother, that when he was younger to escape the downfalls of living in the projects, his real mother told him to close his eyes. When he opened his eyes everything would be better.
The real blind side of life is that we often close our eyes to things we do not understand or do not want to accept. Coming from a small town, I often was frustrated when others around me were blind to see the reality of life and that there were so many opportunities out there besides this small town. Now, I see that they do not see know any different, therefore I can only encourage them to reach beyond what they know. I honestly believe if you want something bad enough, you will do anything to get to where you want to be in life. Young and naive you say, well I say good. If I could pass along anything in the world and make one wish, it wouldn't be world peace or love for all. It would be the chance for opportunity. Last year in composition, we read about poverty and the affects it has on people. Many people gripe and complain that these people can just simply go out and get a job. But would you know to do that or have the confidence to do that without knowing or a social group helping you along? You say yes, but you never know until you walked in some body's shoes. I in fact did just that. Two years ago I helped with women and their children who had been neglected and abused. They didn't have to say a word, but you could see in their eyes that they knew in the shelter I helped at that they finally found peace and an opportunity. Poverty, no matter what color or race, creates and internal cycle throughout generations that continues itself. in other words, one would not know any better unless taught or given an opportunity. When you were younger, if someone told you that a dog was a cat, then you would believe that unless taught otherwise and found out for yourself. May sound absurd, but it is simple, yet a true concept.
My Christmas wish would be to give everyone the chance for opportunity. Whether or not a person takes the chance and pushes it to its fullest potential is up to each individual. Many people are given chances and throw it away. Life gives you one chance, and we never know when our last day may come and are not given a second chance. My Spanish teacher in high school always said, "Humans rise to the occasion." If given the opportunity, anybody can rise to the task handed to them. False hopes and dreams...maybe. At least I believe in everyone enough to know that everyone has that opportunity in them. I often become "blind" to things I don't want to believe or find hard to confront, so to get away I run with my iPod or play the piano. The piano is my outlet. I write lyrics then play what I hear in my head as if the lyrics utter words I cannot speak for myself. Everyone has their way of being blind to life. Christ gave us an opportunity. He forgives us daily, and that in itself is a chance worth fighting for. We may not understand an opportunity when we see it, but God has given us all opportunities. He will never gives you anything you can not withstand. We must open our eyes, not be blinded, by the reality of life and open our hearts and minds to the opportunity God has given us.
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