Transitions- some hard, some easy. Today, I was putting away old high school pictures and replacing them with pictures of college. Threw away old paper, book, and odd things I thought I could never live without. I stored away trophies, medals, certificates, and crowns. Putting away all of these things I treasured, so much made me realize that life is a continuous transition. Now, I knew this before, but you really don't understand until you go through it. These things I put away took me back to when I received them and how important they were at the time, but just as everything in life, these things will decay and rust. Who knows, 3,000 years from now, if God allows, my trophies could be in a museum with people thinking, "They actually kept stuff like this?" It's funny how people obsess over obtaining worldly possessions, when in the end they do not really matter. I put these things away as a transition in my life, but also to remind myself of the real trophies I have accomplished. My goal in life is always to encourage and inspire others to better themselves and others around them. Whether I succeed or not in life, well I believe I have thus far. I have helped two of my friends and two other girls I went to school with to become Christians. I've had random people come up to me and even if I was busy I sat down to listen to their problem, because you never know if you're the only person they have in their lives. The most rewarding part of my goal was this past year. I received a note from a quiet, but very intellectual girl in my grade. She was someone I could easily talk to even though others thought she thought different. Thinking differently is what makes people interesting, and I love different viewpoints, whether I agree or not. She wrote in the note that she was thankful that I took the time to teach her cheer leading even though she knew she'd never make the team, but I listened to her and encouraged her. As I read the note, I cried to myself thinking I never knew that meant so much to her. In fact, I forgot I even helped her. Simple things in life such as a smile can make a person's day.
While I was storing these things away, it also reminded me of when I was younger and put away my Barbie's; this was my first transition. Next, came putting away my cheer leading and tennis uniforms. This was the most difficult, because that's what my life revolved around, but slowly your life finds other things to replace it such as textbooks for college ha! Next, is the one I had today. And God willing the next will be graduating from college, marriage, family, and becoming old and passing away. When you think about the transitions, life really isn't that long. Maybe my mind thinks too much, but I feel that people don't think enough, but thinking too much will cause you to stress. A beautiful mind is a blessing, yet a sin.
Along with these transitions, it made me think of my family and friends. There's transitions with people too. Family stays pretty consistent and mine has been there for me and God couldn't have blessed me with a better family. Friends come and go. College has helped me to realize that you'll talk to tops five people from high school and keep close. Don't get me wrong I love socializing and I'm every one's best friend but that's just the way life goes. Those close friends I have I've been friends with since preschool or kindergarten, so I expected us to keep in close contact. That will slowly fade away as well through the years, but we will always keep in contact and keep each other in our hearts closer with our crazy inside jokes and memories. My college friends I wouldn't trade in a million years. They have helped make my transition to college so much easier. I have a knack for getting along with anybody, but these people have impacted my life, as I hope I have impacted theirs.
You never know how much time God will allot you. Carpe Diem, "Seize the day." Simple, yet hard to fulfill each day with hectic schedules. We say we will do this or plan this. Life is unplanned and unexpected. When someone young passes away, people talk about the life they had ahead of them and usually blame it on God. God has a plan for all of us even if we do not understand why; we must always trust God. I always wondered why people do not blame the devil for things that happen in life? He wants people to sin and creates it, so I never get why people do not blame themselves or the devil for things that happen. If anything should happen to me in my life, I always want my friends to know that I tried to be forgiving, honest (never sugar coat when they asked for my opinion), and I always put them first and tried to be the most dependable friend one could have. One of my downfalls is putting others before myself, but with my friends I'd drop anything in a heartbeat to make sure their life was good. My mammaw says daily, "You can't please everybody." True statement, but I can't help but put others and my friends in front of myself. I always want my friends to know that through our transitions, I'll always be there for them. No matter how many ups, downs, twists, and turns are in our roller coaster I'll be by my friends. I promise.
While I was storing these things away, it also reminded me of when I was younger and put away my Barbie's; this was my first transition. Next, came putting away my cheer leading and tennis uniforms. This was the most difficult, because that's what my life revolved around, but slowly your life finds other things to replace it such as textbooks for college ha! Next, is the one I had today. And God willing the next will be graduating from college, marriage, family, and becoming old and passing away. When you think about the transitions, life really isn't that long. Maybe my mind thinks too much, but I feel that people don't think enough, but thinking too much will cause you to stress. A beautiful mind is a blessing, yet a sin.
Along with these transitions, it made me think of my family and friends. There's transitions with people too. Family stays pretty consistent and mine has been there for me and God couldn't have blessed me with a better family. Friends come and go. College has helped me to realize that you'll talk to tops five people from high school and keep close. Don't get me wrong I love socializing and I'm every one's best friend but that's just the way life goes. Those close friends I have I've been friends with since preschool or kindergarten, so I expected us to keep in close contact. That will slowly fade away as well through the years, but we will always keep in contact and keep each other in our hearts closer with our crazy inside jokes and memories. My college friends I wouldn't trade in a million years. They have helped make my transition to college so much easier. I have a knack for getting along with anybody, but these people have impacted my life, as I hope I have impacted theirs.
You never know how much time God will allot you. Carpe Diem, "Seize the day." Simple, yet hard to fulfill each day with hectic schedules. We say we will do this or plan this. Life is unplanned and unexpected. When someone young passes away, people talk about the life they had ahead of them and usually blame it on God. God has a plan for all of us even if we do not understand why; we must always trust God. I always wondered why people do not blame the devil for things that happen in life? He wants people to sin and creates it, so I never get why people do not blame themselves or the devil for things that happen. If anything should happen to me in my life, I always want my friends to know that I tried to be forgiving, honest (never sugar coat when they asked for my opinion), and I always put them first and tried to be the most dependable friend one could have. One of my downfalls is putting others before myself, but with my friends I'd drop anything in a heartbeat to make sure their life was good. My mammaw says daily, "You can't please everybody." True statement, but I can't help but put others and my friends in front of myself. I always want my friends to know that through our transitions, I'll always be there for them. No matter how many ups, downs, twists, and turns are in our roller coaster I'll be by my friends. I promise.
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