" I wanna go to the college for the rest of my life." As of right now, that is me! I love all of my friends. We have grown so close and I was nervous about going to college knowing no one, but in the end I have made more friends than some people meet in a lifetime. I hope to continue loving college and being
successful at nursing.

Nashville. Love it! Grand Ole
Opry is very interesting even for those who do not love country music. The hotel is just as amazing, and pretty sure that is where my wedding will be held!

Disney with my girls. Magical place where all your dreams come true and worries go away. Must experience this place more than once in your life! I did enjoy Morgan getting every characters autograph and her stories about sheep!

Bahamas. I love the beach
soooo much! My room is a tropical getaway. I got that from my mother. Words cannot explain how clear and the water is there. It is as if someone dropped blue dye into the water. It is unreal!

I made it! Finally out of there. And no I have yet to look back and wish I was back. I've found myself and surrounded myself with people with
similar goals, morals, and ideals. High school taught me life lessons and I owe it that. I gave the opening speech, and those were my last words at

Chesney concert! Seven hours of pure awesomeness! I love concerts and music! Music is my way of expressing myself when I cannot put things into conversations with others. It is my stress relief and tells who I am. When I graduate from college, I do not want a new house or car, but a baby grand piano. Call me a dork, but it is who I am.

The greatest blessing. Full ride scholarship. I worked hard, but none of that would be possible without the love of my father. He's dedicated his life to me. I know I can ever express how much he means to me. I did it for him, not for myself, because I know he wants the best for me and would never settle for less. I did want him working three jobs to get me through college. With this
scholarship, I can live my dream of becoming a nurse into a college with direct admit entrance. Also, I can not forget my Father above who has given me all and more in life. I do not understand why God chose me, but He did. Thank you.

Prom. I loved it this year, because I wasn't in charge ha! Also, I fell in love with this boy. Not real love, but the feeling of love to clarify. He taught me to do something irrational and take a chance for once in my life. I took a chance in
life without make a pros and cons list. It was nice. With that chance, comes trust. He also taught me that trust can be given and taken away so easily. Once trust is broken, it is hard to regain. For once in my life, I stood up to someone who was running over me. I walked away and realized I have bigger goals in life and not wasting my time on second chances. Life only offers one, as do I. He is still my best friend, just one I sadly cannot trust, but through it I regret none and I am a stronger person.

My best friend since kindergarten moved to a school about forty minutes away. Not too far, but when you have been with this person pretty much everyday of your life for eighteen years, that is tough. I realized this move was for the better for her basketball career, her family, and other drama that silly small towns include. I also realized that distance does make the heart stronger. We became closer in that senior school year then I ever would have imagined. We still hung out like always and supported each other. I met so many new friends through her and blessed I met these people.

Senior Night. I told myself I wouldn't cry, and what do I do? Yes, I cried. I had a speech, because I never go anywhere unprepared. When I got to the part about my friends, I lost it. They are at my games, and
truly are priceless. I've never known girls to have such tight friends in my life! Then, I couldn't even utter words when I talked about my dad. If you haven't met my dad, well then you're missing out! He is MY cheerleader! To give you an idea of the type of man my dad is---Jordan thanked my dad and his parents in his speech. I hope to impact
some one's life like that.
"We do not remember days; we remember moments."
-Cesare Paveese, The Burning Brand
These moments in my life sum up the events in 2009 which make me who I am. This year has been the end of one chapter of my life, not the end. Only finishing another chapter, because I have many more chapters to fill in my book. This year has been life changing in more ways than one. I've stood up for myself and not let others run over me. I've completed so many things I never knew God could bless me with. I owe it all to God, my Father in Heaven.

My first love-
cheerleading. This has been my life for so many years. It has taught me hard work, state championships, how to work with others, how to stand up for myself, and expressing myself the best way which is dancing. My team is my family. No one understands the bond until you're part of it. My sound cheesy, but these girls and guys will always be my family that I love.
Cheerleading will always be part of my life, because it taught me to be outgoing, and that a smart, Christian girl can be a state champion cheerleader. So don't judge a book by its cover.
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