Reliable(adj)-that may be relied on; dependable in achievement, accuracy, honest. I like to define words, because it gives it well- meaning behind it, validity, truth, or just simply reliability. I like the facts over an opinion any day. I've found out this past month that I am just that-reliable. Why some people choose me as their outlet, I do not know. I do know that I am dependable.
As I was sitting in church Sunday,I was thinking about the significance of my crown ring, and how on that very same ring was my class ring. It is so simple to replace things in life with other things of value. One day that crown ring will be replaced by a wedding ring. Life is not always reliable, nor the things in it. We all need someone to feel like we can lean a shoulder on at anytime. This past month I feel has been a test from God over my reliability to not only Him, but others. They say everyone has a purpose while on earth, and I believe I have found mine.
Recap of this month:
*I have been asked my students from my school and other schools about the Lilly scholarship. They trusted me to help them with interview questions, essays, and encouragement.
*I have helped girls with their guys problems and guys with their girl problems. I seem to be able to help everyone with their relationship problems but my own. I don't mind, because through telling them insight I gain some in my own. No partner is perfect, we just have to find who's imperfects we're willing to deal with the most.
*I have had to help other with just the everyday stress of college and encourage others that "this too shall pass."
*I have been a venting outlet for people I haven't talked to in years or since high school. It makes me feel like no matter what people know that they can always call me through all the ups and downs.
*I have been through friends with serious phone calls of cancer. The words "You're the only person who would understand." ring in my head that sometimes you are all that other person has. Although my experience with various types of cancer from my pappaw and nursing makes me glad my friend called me, but also wish the best of luck to her family. God has a plan for everyone, and illness I believe only tests your faith in God just as God did with Job. He will never give you more than you can handle.
*Lastly, the most unique one was giving someone feedback on their bucket list. While this may seem silly, to me this meant this person was opening up to not only me, but himself. He thought some of his ideas were crazy or dumb, but to me they were just thinking outside the box, and made you realize deep down what a person really is like.
While I may not trust others, others trust me. Funny thing isn't it? I've had parents come to me to help their son/daughter out with life. What wise words I could say God himself only knows! And while I may not open my heart to others, I open up my mind. I'm hoping others trust in me makes me realize my need and trust for others. Sometimes the only thing a person needs is that sense of trust, reliability,hope-sense of possibility. Everyone needs that reassurance for the future. The words of "You're such a sweetheart. You're the most caring person in the world. Thanks for listening to me. You're voice calms me." (Btw I did not make these up but are texts from the past month from people who I've helped) These simple words mean the world to me to know that I am reliable. While things in this world, such as rings,relationships, or friends, I know that I can give the feeling of hope, of truth, of reliability, of a friend.