RASCAL FLATTS! RASCAL FLATTS! RASCAL FLATTS! On the way to pick up my meet and greet tickets to FINALLY meet Rascal Flatts, of course I was jamming to their music! I've seen them in concert many times and own all of their Cd's...true fan right?! As I was hardcore rocking out, there was a man at the stoplight with a sign saying he was homeless and in need of money. People drove by him, but the lyrics to one of Rascal Flatts popped up and said, "Life throws you curves, but you learn to swerve." It made me think the economy is horrible, and I do not know this man's story but he was thrown a curve. I let down my window to offer the guy money, and he did seem genuinely thankful. I continued to drive back to my dorm and thought of all the curve balls thrown in a person's life. Sure, I get stressed with school, but I could have to pay with my own money all of my schooling. If that was the case I definitely would not be at a private college, but down the road. Every girl goes through this and it drives them crazy that they can't seem to get the one guy they have their eye on. No matter how many signs show you're just "that girl friend", we still go for it. It could be worse and the guy completely ignore me and never hang with me, but there's still that chance that every guy or girl holds onto that they still have by some miracle or stars aligning that things could work out. I sometimes wish my family was closer, but once I came to college I realized how close my family really is with each other. We are dependable,loving, and as I look back do share a lot of good stories. I get frustrated that I am not this way or that, but in reality I should be proud of who I am. Some people have to worry about necessity of life like food and shelter. I have been so blessed in my life that my problems are so minor they shouldn't even be considered worries. You never know when someone else is struggling so always be willing to help. This may make a lifetime of a difference. I started writing simple notes to a girl in my class with problems, the issues turned into resolutions, which then turned into a friendship, and eventually a strong Christian woman. I want to impact people's life for the better, even something small as in a note or giving a few dollars to someone with nothing. Be encouraging today, everyday, for this is the only day given to you. Carpe Diem.